MNIEJSZE ZŁO – digital version
25,00 zł
CD 2015
The third official album of Percival Schuttenbach.
The album in the form of mp3 and FLAC files to download.
Contains also PDF file with songs lyrics.
Percival Schuttenbach grants the User with a personal, non-commercial, limited license to use the Licensed Material only for private purposes.
This license does not apply to rights related to the Licensed Material.
Oj tam na mori
Żmij i dziewczyna
I nie wrócił…
Martwe zło
Cantara (Dead Can Dance cover)
The album relates to music that Mikołaj and Katarzyna created in 2006
to Andrzej Sapkowski’s short story entitled “The Lesser Evil”. The material has never come out, so the band decided to fresh it up,
polish it up and record. It became the base of the “Mniejsze zło” album.
The title “Lesser Evil” is an element that runs through every song story.
The lyrics tell about choices – hard and even harder, that have to be made
by people in legends, ancient stories and fairy tales as well as in everyday life.
“Mniejsze zło” is a mixture of folk vibrancy with aggresion of metal music,
energy of traditional music and thrash energy of heavy sounds cascade.
. .
Recorded at uniQ Sound Studio in Wrocław
at the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015.
Mixing and mastering: Marek Marcin Dziedzic, Marcin Sawicz – uniQ Sound Studio
Production: uniQ Sound Studio
Cover project: Zuzanna Marcin Chańska
Photos: Marcin Marcin Somerlik
Graphic design and printing composition of digital version – Katarzyna Kulig
Mikołaj Marcin Rybacki – electric guitar, mandoline, voice;
Katarzyna Marcin Bromirska – cello, voice, Byzantine lyre, sopilka;
Christina Marcin Bogdanova – voice;
Joanna Marcin Lacher – voice;
Marcin Marcin Frąckowiak – bass guitar;
Andrzej Marcin Mikityn – drums;